Monday, May 25, 2020

Find a Great Place to Workfrom

Find a Great Place to Workfrom There was a time when people went to a coffeehouse for, well, the coffee. But with the increase in freelance careers and remote work agreements, such places are now often packed with folks hard at work. At times, nearly everyone in the shop has a laptop or similar device  with them. And theyre heads-down, learning, creating, or scheduling for hours at a time. When you dont have to be in the office, and you dont want to work from home every single day, where do you go? Youd like a spot with some activity yet not overly distracting hubbub. With a menu but not a pricey one. And dont forget the WiFi  and electrical outlets you definitely need those. Thats where Workfrom comes in. Workfrom is a Portland-based startup that offers online listings of the best places for working remotely. Rankings are based on reliable WiFi, menu offerings, seating  options, and friendliness. The small Workfrom team is adding new listings all the time, but many of the locations in their database come direct from the Workfrom community of users. Founded earlier this summer, their 3-person team is making waves in Portland with this valuable service, and theyre about  to launch in Seattle. Imagine, easily finding a place to work based on whatever need you have at the time youre ready to work: late hours, great menu, or reliable WiFi. Personally, Im hoping they hit Phoenix next.

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