Thursday, May 14, 2020

Balancing Your Side Hustle with Your 9-to-5 Job

Balancing Your Side Hustle with Your 9-to-5 Job Photo Credit- Pexels.comMany people are focused on trying to pay off debts quickly, save more money and accomplish other financial goals. It can be challenging to meet all of your goals on your current salary, and because of this, side hustles are increasingly popular.Some people even find that they can make more money on the side than they do at their primary, full-time job.However, leaving behind your full-time job for a side hustle may seem risky, and it’s not an easy decision. So, for a period of time â€" until you do make that decision or you make enough money to accomplish your goal â€" you must find a way to balance your life while working two jobs.evalTo be successful, you need to focus on not getting burnt out while still finding a healthy balance between your work life and your personal life.1) Manage Your TimeWhen you have two jobs that both demand many long hours each week, managing time properly is crucial.The best way to remain productive through these efforts is to c reate a schedule that prioritizes your responsibilities as well as your free time successfully. Each weekend, spend a few minutes reviewing your schedule.While you need to make sure that you have time available to devote to both of your jobs, you also need to make time for family and friends, and for your alone-time.Remember that if you do not plan for downtime and enjoyable activities in your day, it may be nearly impossible to find time to actually do them. Inevitably, unexpected things that could throw you off-schedule will pop up. You should always leave some empty space on your calendar, so a surprise meeting Exercise will ensure that you are in good shape to meet the demanding work schedule that you have established, and it can also help you relax and unwind.In addition, follow a healthy diet, and give yourself mental breaks regularly by entirely removing work from your mind while enjoying your time off work.Some people also find it helpful to create to-do lists to better mana ge work and personal responsibilities. Also, crossing a task off the said list, in addition to being one of the best feelings in the world, serves as a motivator.Another important thing is to set limits regarding the maximum number of hours that you are willing to work each week.3) Take Care of Your MoneyevalSome people are inclined to start spending more when they regularly earn a second income. As mentioned before, it is important to treat yourself to a few rewards for all of your hard work, but there are limits to this.Your primary goal of spending so much time working hard each week is to meet specific financial goals, and you should regularly contribute funds to this goal.Open a savings account and build it up with your extra income, but always have a certain amount that you can spend during each month â€" both for paying the bills and for little pleasures.Remember that blowing a considerable amount of money without taking steps toward achieving your dream can result in you fee ling overworked without any results to show for it. Needless to say, this can also add to your stress, which makes it more difficult to remain productive.4) Claim Your Work SpaceIf one or both of your jobs allow you the opportunity to work from home, consider creating a dedicated workspace in your house. This may be an entire spare bedroom that is not currently being used on a regular basis, or it may be a small corner of your bedroom.Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comSet up a home office with all of the equipment and supplies you need to be productive. Choose a room with a lot of natural light, invest in an ergonomic chair, add plants as decorations. Set rules for others to avoid disrupting you while you are working so that you can be as efficient as possible.Remember that being concentrated and actually working while you are sitting at your desk is critical if you want to enjoy free time on your own terms later.5) Use Technology to Your AdvantageTechnology has evolved considerably over t he last few decades, and there are now more technological tools and innovations at your disposal than ever before.You can easily use your smart devices, apps, and other features to help you manage your schedule and to be productive with emails, texts and more when you are not sitting at your desk. You can also store documents in the cloud so that you can access them from any location.Photo Credit â€" Pexels.comevalOn a personal level, you can use software or apps to manage your finances and even help you meditate, exercise or sleep more peacefully each night. Just remember to turn off the work email while you’re trying to relax.A Balancing ActWorking on a full-time basis with one job requires you to carefully balance your work and home life, and adding a second job to the mix makes this even more challenging to do. A second job may help you meet your financial goals more easily, meet wonderful people and move forward more quickly in your career.However, it is necessary to strive f or a happy, stress-free balance with your personal life and two jobs, and you can easily use these tips to help you to accomplish this goal.

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