Monday, December 30, 2019

The One Thing You Should Do in 2013

The One Thing You Should Do in 2013The One Thing You Should Do in 2013The One Thing You Should Do in 2013When it comes to a job market like the one we are having these days, its advisable to be ready for anything that might happen. A departing supervisor whose lokalitt you are qualified for, an agency restructuring affecting your position, or a job termination are all situations for which you could easily be prepared if you do this one thing I recommend in 2013.Keep your resume up to dateAs a Federal Career Coach, I frequently get calls from individuals who suddenly need to get an outdated resume into competitive shape as quickly as possible. Shaking my head, the first questions I ask the worried jobseeker are, How old is this resume? How many jobs have you held since you wrote this resume?At this point, the individual usually admits that they had become complacent and not touched their resume in years. (Note Years can often mean 10 or more years have gone by since they have looked at their resume)Dont get caught unprepared. Be ready for the next opened or closed employment door now, because it could happen when you least expect it, and you may have very little time to get your ducks in order.Make it your resolution in 2013 to review your resume at the beginning of every year and update it, so that when you need to use your resume, you will be able to get it into great shape as quickly as you need to. Your recent work accomplishments are best remembered and recorded when they are still fresh in your mind.Here are some steps for updating your resume Find your resume. Find your position description (if you have one). Read it and make sure it sounds like your real job. Edit this and add this to your resume. Find your annual evaluations (if you have those), and use the accomplishments from the evaluations in your resume. If you dont have an annual evaluation, write a few accomplishments for the last 5 years. Add your most recent training programs or college course s. Update your LinkedIn Profile with the new information you just wrote.After you have taken these steps, you will have an updated resume that is ready to be targeted for your next career move. When you use this basic resume to apply for a job, make sure to include the keywords from the job announcement in the resume before you submit your job application.Be prepared for anything to happen with your job. There is a good chance you might need your resume in the next couple of years. You can easily manage your career with confidence by taking this one simple stepNeed help getting your resume ready to apply for federal job announcements?The federal resume is different from the private industry one.We can help you get yours into the correct format and length now FREE Webinars Dont miss our 7 Tips to a Federal Job free webinar series

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Destinee, an ambitious techie that never settles

Destinee, an ambitious techie that never settlesDestinee, an ambitious techie that never settlesEnhanced Lives is a series which aims to put our customers in the spotlight. In a short interview, we ask about their background, the experience they had with and how it helped to improve their career.Our fifth star is Destinee, an experienced techie who found a dream job in a SaaS company. How did help her with that? Read on to find out.Hi Destinee, can you tell us a bit about yourself?Hey Im a Colorado native living in Denver, which is pretty rare these days considering how many people have moved here over the last few years. That being said, I love living in a city where the majority of people I meet are here because theyre passionate about the same Colorado things as I amId say the best way to describe myself would be outdoorsy homebody because while I absolutely love being outside enjoying this states gorgeous nature, theres really nothing I love more than cozying up at home with my cat Binge, listening to a good podcast (shoutout to Lady to Lady).I worked at a local brewery pub through college so I know my way around a craft beer list but Im also a bit of a tech-nerd, well really just a nerd overall but technology is one of my favorite things to geek out over. I have my dad to thank for that as hes spent the last 20+ years of his career in the SaaS industry as a Sales Engineer and never failed to share his contagious enthusiasm about the newest tech neuerung with me.All-in-all I feel pretty lucky to be in what I consider to be one of the most beautiful states that now has one of the most flourishing tech markets. The sun here is strong and the winters are harsh- but theres something about being a mile high that just makes beer taste betterWhat was the reason you created your resume?I found myself in an expected situation at my former organization and realized I needed to begin looking for something better. I was actually hired at my previous job without even filling out an application and was offered a position within 20 minutes of being interviewed by the CEO.Obviously, that wasnt normal and should have been my first clue to run. Being a young and eager new graduate, however, made me believe I just mustve been that lucky As time went on, more and more unsettling things began to reveal themselves and I casually started exploring other options.Related articles3 strengths you can develop only by switching jobsFrom Lou Adler to Seth Godin the future of a traditional resumeWhat Game of Thrones needs an HR departmentI knew that this time around landing the perfect job would not be nearly as easy and in Denvers booming tech industry, I needed to put my best foot forward stand out from the hundreds of other resumes companies would be sorting through.s platform allowed me to do just thatWhat do you like about ? Did you learn anything from it?First of all, my resume got a lot of positive comments from a number of hiring managers I was intervie wed by, mainly on the impressive aesthetic. Many of my friends pointed out that being able to highlight accomplishments and strengths up front is a big differentiator seeing that most resumes are simply a list of previous positions with a short bio on top.One of my friends who majored in Graphic Design told me that it was the most impressive resume design she had seen and actually went on your platform just recently to create her own resume, now that she is on the job huntAnd what do I love about ?First of all, it helped me get my new job Also, its extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. It didnt take more than 30 minutes to create a great resume. I could use the templates provided to guide the creation process. The tips that pop up once you start filling each section in help so much. You never get that What should I write here kind of situation.I could also customize my resume as much as I wanted to ensure it would be unique. When I finished crafting my resume on the app, fo r the first time it felt like my resume actually reflects who I am as an individual and simultaneously, it looks cooler and sleeker than any resume Ive created beforeWhat message would you send to other job seekers out there?Never settle. Never settle because the job hunt feels too overwhelming and accepting the first offer you get spares you the stress of looking for a job that will fulfill you.Never settle just because youve been on the hunt for what feels like too long and you just want a job, any job.Never settle just because you dont think youre qualified, experienced or worthy enough of your dream job.Never settle because no matter how chaotic, draining, or ego-shredding the job hunt can feel right now, you deserve better. That perfect fit does exist, keep pushing.I would like to thank Destinee for sharing her experience with us. It means a lot and we hope it will motivate many others to get started and upgrade to more human-centric and performance-based resumes.If youd like t o contribute to Enhanced Lives series and share your achievements with others, send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you ??Looking for more inspiration? Check out our resume examples section that got people hired at their dream jobs.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Heres how successful people avoid information overwhelm

Heres how successful people avoid information overwhelmHeres how successful people avoid information overwhelmThere are seemingly infinite options in the world today. With increasing options comes increased choices.This may seem like a good thing. But at a certain point, having more options and choices becomes negative. In the book, The Paradox of Choice Why More Is Less, psychologist Barry Schwartz explainsWe assume that more choice means better options and greater satisfactionHowever, choice overload can make you question the decisions you make before you even make themChoice overload leaves you in a perpetual state of FOMO - always looking over your shoulder and questioning the decisions youve madeThis puts you in a constant state of stress, ever feeling like youre falling short, always questioning the decisions youve made, always wonderingHaving options is a good thing. Without options, you cant make choices. However, the best decision-makers in the world purposefully avoid alfr uchtwein ALL of the options available. They know that most of the information and choices out there are not only bad but harmful and destructive.Hence unterstellung powerful and important words from Basecamp founder, Jason Fried, Im pretty oblivious to a lot of things intentionally. I dont want to be influenced that much.The Latin of the word decision means, to cut off. Making a decision is about cutting off choices - cutting you off from some other course of action.Removing options is not limiting, its liberating. It allows you actually to have a path, a plan, and to get some traction. Most people are tossed to and fro with every new idea. They have no stable footing upon which to stand, and consequently, they are wholly aimless and confused by the complexity of everything going on around them.You have to choose what you consume consciously. As Zig Ziglar has said, Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.The i nformation you allow yourself to process affects you greatly. You can become confused quickly with all of the conflicting voices, opinions, and options in the world today.Its easy to be seduced by the negative and the new. For instance, although the amount of warfare and deaths by human hands are reducing globally, you will not get that message watching the televised news or reading the newspaper.Its important to realize that everyone has a different agenda. Most peoples agendas are self-serving. In the case of the news, their focus is on inflating the negative because if they didnt do so, their viewership would plummet. Which is why Peter Diamandis, one of the worlds experts on entrepreneurship and the future of innovation has said, Ive stopped watching TV news. They couldnt pay me enough money.Regarding the news, the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, said nearly 2,000 years ago, Are you distracted by breaking news? Then take some leisure time to learn something well, and stop bouncin g around.Are you bouncing around?The world can be a pretty confusing place. Which is why its more important now than ever to have a moral footing. You need to have something you believe in. Something you can stand on. This doesnt mean you put your blinders on. It merely means you recognize that more information is not better.Hence the words of T.S. Elliot Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?Wisdom requires making hard choices and firm commitments. It means drawing a line in the sand and standing firm. It involves removing negative options from your life because you only have so much time - and you have important work to do.Viktor Frankl wisely stated, For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of ones dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of ones surrender to a person other than oneself.To experience happiness and success in yo ur life, you need to have something bigger than yourself. You need to have a cause you believe in and other people whom you love and are willing to sacrifice for. It cant be all about you.Self-absorption brings confusion. Sitting around thinking in circles brings complexity. Wisdom is discernible and straightforward. As Leonardo da Vinci stated, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Steve Jobs similarly stated, Simple can be harder than complex You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But its worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.You cannot move mountains in your life until you remove the complexity. It takes wisdom to live simple. It takes simplicity to have a clear and compelling vision you are working toward.Being simple has its drawbacks. Academic-types and air chair philosophasters will point the negative finger at you. Theyll call you ignorant and wrong.And they wont entirely be wrong in their assessments. But the y indeed arent entirely right either. You cant expect everyone to agree with you. Seth Godin has said, If someone doesnt like what youve made, ignore them. You didnt make it for them anyways.You cant let the voices of people who disagree with you dissuade you from doing great work. You have to ignore them.This doesnt mean that you dont get advice. Actually, youre learning all the time. Your worldview is constantly being updated, refined, and improved through transformative experiences and education. You are just highly conscious of who you accept advice from. You dont take advice from people who dont inspire you.Purposefully avoiding information that limits youOnly seek information that enables and empowers you to achieve your goals and to live your highest standards in life.The best learners in the world proactively seek information and knowledge they can use in the here-and-now to move forward. They are practical learners. They are implementers and movers. They are actually out in the world doing great things. They are helping other people. They arent overly academic and stuck in complexity.They are striving to remove complexity for themselves and others by solving problems. They have too much work to do to get caught up in the confusion of negative and unclear information. They need solutions. Therefore, theyve developed a powerful filter for eliminating negative and low-level information that doesnt support their mission.This is what Jason Fried was talking about. He doesnt want to be influenced by all of the confusion and noise in the world. Fried understand the words of Viktor Frankl - that you need a cause that drives you to get out of bed in the morning. As Darren Hardy said, Your life can be measured by the size of the problems you seek to solve.Are you out trying to solve significant problems?Do you see needs in the world that are worth your time and attention to attack?How well is your day spent?Are you doing stuff, or just sitting around confused in your head?Will L. Thompson (18471909) wrote a beautiful gedicht Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed.You are responsible for how you see and act in the worldWhat you focus on expands. What you pay attention to becomes your reality - psychologists call this selective attention. Of this, Dr. Stephen Covey said, We see the world, not as it is, but as we are or, as we are conditioned to see it.Your worldview is under your control. You have to train the garden of your mind. You need to develop a low tolerance for negative and low-level information that is limiting and limited in its scope.In the book Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown states, You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything. Almost all choices, options, and information in the world is noise.Almost all decisions are bad decisions. And you will quickly experienc e decision-fatigue if you dont proactively shield yourself from most of that noise. You shield yourself by creating an environment that fosters the type of inputs you desires. Your input shapes your outlook and conditions .you to see and act in the world in a certain way. If you do not proactively shape your environment, then you will become the reactive product of whatever environment finds you.If you want to live powerfully and move the world forward, you need a filtering system to eliminate the harmful noise from your life. You need to keep things simple, discernible, actionable, and helpful.The clearer you become on what your life is about, and the problems you seek to solve in the world, the less you will tolerate even good information and good options. As Jim Collins said, Good is the enemy of great. Similarly, Dallin Oaks said, We should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which is better or best.Australia n author, Robyn Davidson, said, The two important things I learned were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be and that the most difficult part of any endeavor is taking the first step, making the first decision.You have to make a decision. And once you make that decision, you simultaneously eliminate 99.99% of other options. This is the smartest thing you can do. As Michael Jordan said, Once I made a decision, I never thought about it again. Similarly, Ralph Waldo Emerson has said, Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.You must pass your point of no return.You must embrace the opportunity cost of making powerfully committed decisions. As Napoleon Hill said, Definiteness of Purpose is that starting point of all achievement. Until you become definite about what youre doing, you will continually be tossed to and fro. Life will become increasingly complex. Skepticism and doubt will become your emotional reality. And in that reality, your only goal will be to tear things down, rather than build something new.Are you building something powerful?Do you have a filtering system for eliminating irrelevant decisions and information that is more noise than signal?Do you have a purpose in life that is bigger than yourself?Have you made a real decision lately, and stuck to that decision?Are you like most people, who have a fragile relationship with commitment?Most people lie to themselves every day. They havent stuck to a real commitment and havent made a firm decision in a long time. They then seek information and opinions that justify their lack of progress.Make a decision.Own that decision.Become better.Go out into the world and do good of your own accord, not because someone told you to.Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThispostfirst appeared on Medium.

Monday, December 16, 2019

3 Signs Youre Wasting Other Peoples Time at Work - The Muse

3 Signs Youre Wasting Otherbei Peoples Time at Work - The Muse3 Signs Youre Wasting Other Peoples Time at WorkYou pride yourself on being punctual. You always leave a cushion in case theres traffic. And yes, sometimes you arrive so far in advance of meetings- and social get-togethers- that you have to kill some time so as to notlage be awkwardly early.And as someone so very aware of time, you consider other peoples schedules, too. Youd never dream of being the person who texts that shes five minutes away, when shes actually just leaving her apartment, nor would you change meeting times around, forcing a contact to rearrange his whole afternoon. And while those basics are appreciated, its possible to be punctual and still be labeled a time waster. How so? Because even if you keep every 30-minute meeting to a half-hour, people will feel like their time is being wasted if they dont accomplish what theyd planned to. Here are the signs youre (unknowingly) being a time waster- and what you can do about it1. Your Networking Contacts Arent Staying in TouchDo people say, lets stay in touch and then seem to dodge your calls and emails? You know youre not supposed to let your network grow cold- but you also dont want to cross over to sending threatening or ominous emails about getting together. So, why wont this person respond?Heres what could be happening If you spend so much time gabbing that you never have time to discuss anything of professional substance, the nature of your relationship will change. Mentors usually like to know whats going on in their mentees careers and how they can help that fellow conference attendee who works the saatkorn job in the same industry probably wants to talk some shop. So, if you spend the entire time talking about your upcoming vacation plans, your contact may say, lets get coffee again sometime, and never follow up. The FixTo salvage this situation, the next time you get in touch, reach out with a specific, career-oriented idea, ques tion, or article. Pass along something relevant- and succinct- and have a productive exchange over email before you ask to meet up again. Then, for future meetups, try to limit personal updates to the first third of your time together.2. Your Co-workers Are Always Redirecting the ConversationIts awesome that you actually like your co-workers. Its even better that you have a good rapport with them. And its great that they inspire you to brainstorm. However, during meetings, have you found that you often spend so long discussing items one and two that you never get to the rest of the agenda? Or maybe youve noticed that mid-point, when you stop to breathe, someone jumps in, says thats a great idea, and immediately suggests moving on to the next item?As someone who thinks- and talks- at a million miles a minute, I too have had to work on this. I know that youre not trying to steamroll your colleagues Youre just excited. Here are a few things I do when I think I may have fallen into hogg ing the conversation. The FixFor starters, unless youre giving a presentation, your talk time shouldnt outweigh that of any of your colleagues. Just like you want to avoid being the first (or last) person to leave a party, try to avoid talking the most. If you chimed in a lot on one point, back off a bit on the next few. What if youve already spoken (a lot), but now you have a brilliant idea? Often, you can avoid this feeling by reading the agenda in advance of the meeting. If you have strong opinions on the third item, focus on being a good listener for the first two points and save your floor time. If there was no agenda, ask yourself if your idea could wait. If a decision is going to be made, by all means, share your thoughts. But if you could just as easily follow up over email, let your colleagues speak so that everyone can be heard and cover the topics theyd hoped to. (Bonus Many times a colleague will have the same idea or question you had, so itll still come up)3. Your Boss Is Micromanaging YouMaybe your boss is a classic micromanager and wants to see everyones work before it goes anywhere. But if you get the feeling that he seems to be helicopter parenting you more than your co-workers, there might be more to it. Especially if he does things like provide feedback on how you can trim down every email or wants a run through before you present in any meeting.Sure, you could keep bucking the system and continue to send your manager five paragraph essays to cut to three line emails- and 22 slides for her to trim to 15. Or, you could beat her to the punch and do it yourself. The FixOne way to start is to ask yourself what the vital points are. Lets put it another way If you wrote a tweet about this email, what would it say? You can keep that five paragraph email in a Word doc, or that long presentation under a different name, but run through it yourself and cut any lines that are there simply because they sound good, as well as those that only provide unnec essary context. Remember, this is not the only email you ever get to send. If someone wants more information, theyll often ask. In the meantime, you wont be seen as the person who send time-wasting emails (that probably wont be read anyhow), and your boss will stop asking to be CCed on everything. Translation Everybody winsEven if youve developed a reputation as a time waster, you can take steps to change how youre seen. Your contacts, colleagues, and manager will thank you- and more readily ask for your opinion.Photo of garbage and an alarm clock courtesy of Shutterstock.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Powerful IT Director Sample Resume to Get You Hired

Powerful IT Director Sample Resume to Get You HiredPowerful IT Director Sample Resume to Get You HiredA polished resume is a key factor in landing an interview for an IT director position. It provides a platform to showcase the skills that uniquely qualify you for a technical leadership role. Mention some positive changes that you hope to bring about during your tenure at the hiring company.Your resume should show executives clear evidence of your problemsInsurance Sales ResumeInventory Management Resume It Director Resume It Project Manager Resume Logistics Manager Resume Medical Insurance Sales ResumePharmacist Resume Production Supervisor Foreman Resume Property Manager Resume Qa Manager Resume

Friday, December 6, 2019

Confidential Facts About Up to Work Only the Pros Know Exist

Confidential Facts About Up to Work Only the Pros Know Exist Well the big advantage is that you no longer need to produce your very own profitable trading system. Many other categories of visa are offered for people that are aspiring to move to the US for a limited time period for employment. Some insurance anbieters encourage healthy living among their customers in order to decrease the cost of claims. There are lots of opportunities to earn an outstanding income with a job that may be done from a house office. A History of up to Work Refuted If youre a psychiatrist, you would like your customers to truly feel close to you so as to open up. Promotional modeling may be lucrative career if models understand how to find work and book the proper jobs. So as to be a terrific teacher, you must be prepared to work and work hard. Persistence In order to be a fantastic teacher you need to be persistent. The first thing you ought to make sure of before selecting an electrical cont ractor is to ensure they are licensed. When picking an electrical contractor, you should assure that hes ready to work personally with the building provider in order they can converse any troubles to them. Most providers will provide you with an estimate for the price of services together with details on what they provide before you hire. Listed below are the elements and a few suggestions that you should take into account on how to locate the appropriate electrician that could fulfill your needs. Local electricians also have lower rates, which will enable you to conserve money. Electricians that are located near your area can quickly respond to home emergencies in comparison with the people who live upon the state. The very best part is there isnt any limit on the number of videos youll be able to upload, therefore its your choice how much money you would like to earn. The age of the piece might also have a direct effect on its price. Theres a trend happening across America where a growing number of folks are choosing to wear sensible clothing like the Pajama Jean to do the job. The very first step you should consider is to receive a patent or copyright. The Basic Facts of up to Work To support you in presenting your idea, you can think about the use of overhead projector thats really functional for your requirements. The very first phase of the creative process is dressing in clothing that cause you to feel great. If youd like to present your idea, there are a few instructions you must follow so youll be capable of making it functional for your jobs. Just be certain that you present an idea thatll be profitable for your needs so it is possible to take benefits from it. Some didnt receive anything whatsoever. Whether there are any missing, they will need to get replaced. A lot of people should work from house for a number of explanations. Now that you know the basics of getting started writing articles online, dont hold back Type of up to Work YouTube has changed into a huge advertising and absatzwirtschaft tool for major companies over recent years. Online affiliate marketing is an opportunity that a lot of people start with. You should aggressively promote your network advertising business through using online media like free press releases and the usage of social media marketing. up to Work - Overview Then, as soon as you are face with a temptation like skipping the gym youll be able to motivate yourself to adhere to your workout targets. Yes, cardio is huge for anybody seeking to lose weight quickly, but the issue is that numerous individuals dont understand how to do it right or what to even do. A lot of people have various goals for performing cardio workouts, but the major general goal for many is to shed weight. You must be ready to help solve issues, give a small extra and go the excess mile. Signing up at an exercise club is also a great idea. Swimming is another very good type of exercise if th eres a pool located at the fitness club. Each gym or club will often have wide array of exercise equipment to select from. Fitness clubs often have not just great exercise equipment but in addition a pool, yoga classes and a lot more. Up to Work Options You dont need to be worried about making videos, they will provide you with their videos, and yes its that easy. If its quite old, it might be time for you to exchange it for a new one. Many jobs online will permit the user to work as many hours since they want, and should you discover the correct guidelines you are going to be in a position to learn at your own pace and slowly learn the best way to do the job which you need to do. Other times, theres an important problem that could take months to work out. Your first two or three assignments will be intimidating, but you are going to realize that soon it is going to be old hat. You are able to set your own hours and work when you opt for rather then whenever someone tells y ou to. You may want to look fro something which is simple to comprehend and also something you think is fair. Top Up to Work Choices Genuine work at home jobs can enable you to locate a chance to work at home. When youve gained all of the outside experience dividing your time among big telecommunication businesses and firms, working from the comfort of your house can be an additional option, particularly if youre tech savvy. Youre going to be marketing an item, but youll not have to be concerned about a warehouse, shipping or any product storage. Every one of the products ought to be dated while the inspection is finished. A short-term work permit is one particular way for folks to determine if theyd like to turn into a Canadian citizen. Working out with different people is often simpler than working out by yourself. If youre establishing a new office you have to have new office furniture. If you want to improve mobile app working style of your employees here are a few thi ngs you will need to understand.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Gender inequality still an issue in the workplace

Gender inequality still an issue in the workplace Gender inequality still an issue in the workplacePosted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun It may be the 100th anniversary of International Womens Day, but Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that women still earn only 84 per cent of what men earn and women working part time get an even smaller percentage. Theres no question that the gender pay gap is alive and well, particularly in the top ASX companies, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick told ABC News Online. Only 13 of the 500 largest companies in the world have female CEOs. Broderick says that women are mora likely to be paid less or passed over for jobs because of the way employers perceive existing or future family commitments. For example, women are mora likely to trade off money for family-friendly working conditions, she says. However, When we look at what the ideal worker looks like in Australian workplaces, research shows it is someone whos a vailable 24/7, with no visible caring responsibilities, and as a result of that it usually means male. When it gets down to it, research is clear that a significant percentage of a pay gap exists because you are a woman. So really, its pure sex discrimination and thats the part we need to change, says Broderick. Pay inequality is most blatant in the finance and insurance industry, according to research by the EOWWA (Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency) revealing that women in the industry are paid 40 per cent less than men. Only 17 per cent of Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) in Australia are female. Some financial services organisations are attempting to redress this imbalance. For example, National Australia Bank wealth management division MLC has created a new program to offer greater support and development for their female financial advisers. There are many programs available which offer training or development but our research identified a need for fema le-specific initiatives to address the unique challenges they face, says Robert Neill, National Manager of MLCs Adviser Business Centre. There is a huge opportunity for the industry to nurture the next generation and encourage more women to take ownership roles within advice firms, says Neill. Addressing womens needs and improving the gender balance will help attract more skilled and qualified women to the industry. More than 40 per cent of MLC adviser scholarship program participants are female but, according to Neill, there is always more we can do and we will continue to develop resources female advisers need to thrive in this environment. Working women in Australia Australian women working in Australia have come a long way. Until 1966, women working in the federal public service were forced to resign when they got married. However, in 1969 women were awarded equal pay for work of equal value and by 1984, federal legislation banning discrimination on the basis of sex had been i ntroduced. As of January 2008, almost 4.8 million women were in some form of paid employment, with a labour force participation tarif of 58 per cent. Women comprise more than half of the Australian public service, hold around 36 per cent of senior executive government positions, and more than 30 per cent of Australias small business operators are women. Women also make up more than half of all tertiary education students, with the majority enrolled in management and commerce, society and culture, and food, hospitality and personal services courses. However, there is still work to be done. In the private sector, women hold only 12 per cent of management positions, and 9 per cent of private board directorships. They are also severely under-represented in certain tertiary programs, with only 4.6 per cent enrolled in courses for engineering and related technologies, architecture and building. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - B ody Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesequal opportunities for women in the workplacegender equality in australia statisticsgender inequality in australia articlesgender equality in sportgender equality facts CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCareer changeCareer progressionHow Living Abroad Can Change Your Career PathThere are plenty of jet-setting jobs out there to choose from so if travel is your passion, why not make it your profession as well See what benefits living abroad can have on your professional and personal life.AgricultureA different kind of hay feverWe chat to Rohan Brill, a Research and Deve lopment Agronomist for the NSW Department of Primary Industries, about why he chose a career in Agriculture.Digital MediaDigital media jobsWhen it comes to careers in digital media, there are exciting jobs that simply didnt exist two decades or even two years ago.